An Individualized, 10-Month Mentorship Group For Practitioners Ready To Embody A Deeper Mastery Of Your Craft

For Therapists, Coaches, Psychologists, Spiritual Teachers, Energy Workers,
Yoga Teachers, and Wellness Providers (and those in related fields)

If you’re looking for a seasoned mentor to offer professional guidance, skillful holding, an uplevel in your skills, and a refresh that will bring fresh aliveness to your work, Hone Your Craft might be your perfect fit.

Hone Your Craft is a 10-month mentorship journey where I’ll provide you with individualized support to help accelerate your path to mastery; studying the nuanced skills, knowledge, and intuition it usually takes 10-15 years of practicing to master.

Your journey will be unique to you, but you’ll also learn from the other mentee’s processes.

I’ll help you:

💪🏾 Sit confidently in your professional power, where your client work is smooth, effective, creative, and evolving.

💫 Step into your mastery, a state where you know just what’s needed and can deliver it effectively (and maybe even magically) every single session.

🤕 Identify what’s working and what isn’t and make fixes.

🛠️ Uplevel your somatic skills.

💕 Ensure your work is trauma informed.

⚠️ Explore the do’s and don’ts of co-regulation, attachment theory, and other trending topics in your work.

🤝 Build a reputation of trust and quality (and therefore increase referrals).

🛀 Dial in your self care so as to stay inspired by the work rather than drained.

🙌 Trust yourself with even the most challenging clients, being able to meet them right where they are.

⚖️ Stand firmly in your integrity amidst a field with (let’s be honest) a looooot of problems,
especially right now.

🎨 Shape your work in ways that both support you being your best, and give your clients more than they asked for.

😍 Make your work feel good for both you and your clients.

You hold the curriculum for this mentorship inside you.

By which I mean…

Hone Your Craft is not a modality. It’s a deep, body-centered journey for your practitioner self. And it’s all about what you need.

I’ll be listening with attuned ears and tracking aaaallll the nuances around how you’re doing in our journey together so that I can know what you need and help you grow into your next stages. This program is a mentorship and consultation group rooted in somatic skills and I’ll meet you as deeply as you want to go.

The Beating Heart of Your Work

In addition to intellectual and technical skill-building, Hone Your Craft gives you the chance to evolve the relational and embodiment skills that aren’t usually taught in professional trainings yet are the beating heart of your work:

I’ll help you clarify which of these are strengths for you and what type of support you need in order to deepen the others so you can offer your best work.

This program provides deep support for you focused around the work you’re doing with clients and whatever brilliance is ready to emerge through you as a practitioner. I created Hone Your Craft to be of benefit for your own personal journey, your professional success, and your clients.

How We Begin

First, apply here. You’ll share with me about your work and your process with it and if we decide you’re a good fit for the program, I’ll help your needs get met in the group via a mix of highly creative and personalized somatic therapy, direct teaching, exercises, and homework.

Core Values

Our industry is in need of an evolution.

I’m sure you’ve heard people gripe about the therapy they’ve tried in the past; we hear over and over again about spiritual teachers abusing their power; and the wellness industry is responsible for mass, dangerous misinformation. The industry as a whole is guilty of perpetuating oppressions like fatphobia/diet culture, ableism, white supremacy, classism, and more. (“Wellness to white supremacy pipeline” is worth a google).

Indigenous traditions are appropriated and become trendy and every time you turn around there’s a new cult. In pop culture, new age spirituality has become merged with mental health. Indoctrination, radicalization, and conspiracy theories are rampant in the field. Influencers show us that what gets attention online isn’t always what’s best for clients.

It can be hard to find a skillful and integrous pathway through all this noise when what we want is to help people. I’ve seen many practitioners step away from their craft, not wanting to be a part of all this mess. Potential clients have become disillusioned and struggle to trust that they can get the support they want because of past negative experiences. And clients are harmed.

Now more than ever, our individual work towards embodied integrity is necessary.

Hone Your Craft has no set curriculum because I believe in facilitating to your needs (so every session is different), but it does operate on 5 core values that will be woven throughout the mentorship as needed. These are the same core values I use in my own practice. In the program, each of these is treated as a work in progress and an intention and you’re welcome to adopt them too. And always, we’re gentle with ourselves as we learn to do better.

Embodied Leadership

This means we do our best to come from an integrated whole in our client work, not just from our heads but also learning to identify cues from our own bodies as to the state of the relational field with our client. This fuller picture means we’re not just a talking head, but we have worlds of information inside us about how we can be with our clients. Skills like empathy, intuition, and attunement are rooted in our bodies.

Energetic Congruence

Since our bodies work like tuning forks with our clients, if we teach regulation, we do it from a place of our own regulation or we teach openness from our own openness. We discuss relational contact from a place of being fully in contact with ourselves. We reach into the resources of our own ground in order to help a client ground. We use our own breath, internal pace, and connection with our embodied resources to help show a client’s body a new way to be in health. We don’t aim to teach that which is a pipe dream for us.

Do No Harm + Do The Right Thing (towards a world that’s socially just)

As our empathetic understanding of the relational field grows, we learn how to better understand our impact—how the fullness of our bodies and our messages are heard or received by clients and what they will do with what we offer them. We use this knowing to understand what’s harmful or helpful and we always aim for what’s right for the client. We know that encouragement motivates rather than shame. We know that we want more than just “do no harm” and we are forever in the work of dismantling the various ways we’ve internalized systems of oppression. We choose to do the right thing even when it’s difficult or inconvenient for us.


We don’t teach what we don’t understand or aren’t qualified to do. We stay in our lane. We do our best to avoid bringing our personal material and biases to the work. We strive for staying clean in our relational spaces with clients. We’re willing to say “I don’t know” and learn more. We try to do better as we learn more. We don’t uphold or perpetuate harmful narratives or ideas we haven’t fully vetted.

Gentleness + Being Human

With Ourselves: We strive to meet our clients where they are, but we begin with meeting ourselves where we are with gentleness. Each day that we practice is different as are the resources that we have available to us during each session. Even our ability to practice with these 5 core values shifts day to day. We do our best. And then we learn to apply gentleness and flow with each day’s reality. We’re human with our clients and ourselves so as not to place ourselves on a pedestal.

With Clients: We meet them where they are. We will often see things our clients don’t and that can lead to pushing them beyond what they’re ready for. Meeting them where they are is a humane and compassionate act so as to trust them in their journey and not overwhelm or push our agenda of what their growth or healing looks like. Our clients deserve our respect and part of how they’ll feel that is in how we honor where they are while gently holding and guiding them towards the direction of their growth. We use challenge skillfully if at all.

We are capable of all of this when we are both open to learning and letting ourselves be right where we are. That’s what we’re here for.

If you know me, you know the quality I stand for and that Hone Your Craft will deliver more than you expect. But if you don’t know me yet, I hope you’ll be able to feel that from whoever sent you plus reading this, applying, and having a conversation with me. I’m really happy to talk about the program with you. Go ahead and invite your fellow practitioner friends to apply too—taking this journey alongside known friends and colleagues will deepen the experience.

If you know me, you know the quality I stand for and that Hone Your Craft will deliver more than you expect. But if you don’t know me yet, I hope you’ll be able to feel that from whoever sent you plus reading this, applying, and having a conversation with me. I’m really happy to talk about the program with you. Go ahead and invite your fellow practitioner friends to apply too—taking this journey alongside known friends and colleagues will deepen the experience.


Hone Your Craft will take place over 22 sessions (10 months). We only have room for 5 participants, so it’s an intimate group. We’ll meet every other week for 2 ½ hours on zoom video. We’ll pick a day and time that works best for the group. You’re welcome to apply now.

We’ll also have a facebook (or whatsapp) group for discussions in between sessions. Just like therapy, you may also have light personalized homework. That homework can be discussed both in the online threads and on our calls. Optionally, you can get paired with a partner or small group for debriefs, check-ins, and further skill building and practice on our off weeks.

Hone Your Craft will provide a good mix of:

Me working directly with you

Learning from each other’s process

Me teaching to the whole group

Facilitated whole-group discussions

And we’ll ground it all in the body.


Hone Your Craft includes full participation in all the offerings above at a total of $10k.

This mentorship is designed for practitioners at various stages of their careers, and since I
acknowledge that income is not synonymous with skill, I created accessibility pricing for those for whom $10k is an impossibility. Pick the option that matches your finances, not what you think the
program is worth.

OPTION 1: $10K

You’re financially comfortable either
because of your own earned income or other support, you’re able to make purchases of this amount in a lump sum or via a 10-month payment plan mostly without needing to budget, and you understand that contributing at this level helps make this program accessible for others in our community.


Your financial needs are met either because of your own earned income or other support, you’re able to budget in order to make $8k work in a lump sum or via a 10-month payment plan, but an expense of $10k would be impossible without going into debt that would take over a year to pay back.


You’re financially stable most of the time either because of your own earned income or other support, you’re able to budget in order to make $6k work in a lump sum or via a 10-month payment plan, but an expense of $8k or $10k would be impossible without going into debt that would take over a year to pay back.

The first half of your investment is due at the time of registration and the second half will be paid when we secure a start date. If you fit into one of these tiers but would need a payment plan over time, let me know and we can work it out.

About Your Mentor

The inspiration for Hone Your Craft comes directly from practitioners who’ve worked one on one with me and have asked me to teach them. They’ve told me that they’re asking for this because they’ve really believed in the power and potential of therapy and depth work, but it’s just never felt quite like this before—effective, magical, and potent, giving them more than they walked in asking for. It’s easy to fall in love with this craft and also easy to be disappointed in the way it’s so often practiced. It’s extremely common for clients to come to me with wounding from previous therapists or coaches.

I believe what these clients were feeling and asking me to teach them is the embodied skill and nuance that comes with 15+ years of practicing and continued learning. The stuff that isn’t taught in graduate programs or other training but that’s at the core of therapeutic mastery.

For the vast majority of the last 10 years, my private practice has been full with waitlists from 100% referrals. My clients say working with me is different and they send their people. In fact, you’re probably here because someone who knows me sent you. Thank you!

Hone Your Craft started because clients asked me to make it. The reason I’m saying yes to offering it is because I love what happens in my tiny therapy room with all my heart and I also want to have a bigger ripple effect and serve more people. Especially the practitioners because with you is where I truly get to geek out on this work. I love my craft and the people that come to me—you move me every single day and there’s nothing I’d rather do.
It’s my honor to help the helpers.

Please sign up for my mailing list to receive enrollment and launch updates.


What sort of questions and needs can I bring to Hone Your Craft?

Whatever you’d want to learn from a seasoned practitioner with a wide range of specialties. If you apply now, we can talk and I’ll let you know whether your needs are within my wheelhouse. If you’re drawn to the mentorship but aren’t sure exactly what your needs are, I’ll help you identify them when we speak and we can explore whether this program would be a good fit.

What are the 22 sessions like?

Our time together will be fluid because I don’t believe one size fits all. Hone Your Craft has no set curriculum, but I will know what each of you has come for, you’ll bring up what’s happening in your practice, and I will facilitate to that. Much like group therapy, our flow will be organic and I’ll be tracking you all and ensuring that everyone has appropriate time and space and gets what they need. Just like I do in my therapy sessions. This program is rich with layers. You’ll be learning from me as I work directly with you, watching me work directly with other participants, and you’ll learn from their process as well. There’s also the opportunity to ask questions to get direct consultation on your work.

Who is Hone Your Craft for?

Hone Your Craft is for therapists, psychologists, coaches, spiritual teachers, yoga teachers, and wellness practitioners. Your primary offerings may be 1:1, group focused, or something else. If you’re not sure if the program can support your profession, just apply and I’ll be happy to talk honestly with you about it.

Who is Hone Your Craft NOT for?

This isn’t for you if you’ve never worked with clients before and want to be trained from scratch. However, you’re welcome to apply after you’ve got some training or practice in your field.

This isn’t for you if you’re wanting it to be solely a course on how to build or market your practice. It’s mostly about what happens when you’re with clients and yes, that has an impact on how successful you are and who shows up to work with you.

This isn’t for you if you’re looking for a specialized training in a particular modality. Hone Your Craft isn’t a modality, it’s support around how we work our tools with our clients.

This isn’t for you if you’re more of a marketer and content creator than a practitioner. (Yes, you can be both). In other words, I want to know that your heart’s in it and it’s about more than the money to you. The participants in Hone Your Craft need to be fully committed to knowing that what they do with clients is genuinely helpful and working because what gets attention or sales isn’t always what’s best for clients.

Hone Your Craft is not for you if the work you’re doing with clients is rooted in conspiracy theory, anti-science, or in work that is inherently oppressive such as with diet culture, spiritual elitism, or spiritualized gender dynamics.

If you have questions about any of this, I’m happy to talk it through non-judgmentally. Just apply and then we’ll schedule a call.

What will I get out of Hone Your Craft?

My intention is that you walk away from Hone Your Craft inspired and feeling not just a sense of expansion and grounding in your capacity with clients, but also a marked increase in your skillfulness. Enough to feel even more empowered and as if your work takes on a whole new shine. Your clients will feel an increased quality to your work too. I created Hone Your Craft to be of benefit for your own personal journey, your professional success, and your clients.

You are going to learn a ton. Some of it will be intellectual, but mostly it will be felt in your body so you’ll carry it permanently. This Mentorship is entirely based on what you bring to it, though I see it as my job to help locate what else you may need in order to shine as the best practitioner you can possibly be.

If you sense that your capacity and confidence can bloom with skill sharpening, somatic mentorship, collaboration, personal excavation, and the ability to learn from trusted colleagues, please consider joining us and apply now.